

StopWatchVic was a project that monitored the stop and search receipting trials that were held in Moonee Valley or Greater Dandenong , Mildura or Boroondara over 2015.

For an update and more information about Victoria Police’s commitment to end racial profiling please see here.

A police officer or Protective Service Officer (PSO) should have provided you with a receipt if you were stopped in the Moonee Valley, Greater Dandenong, Mildura or Boroondara areas in 2015.

Contact us if you want to find out more about stop and search receipting and the work to measure and prevent racial profiling in Victoria.

What young people think

Find out more about Stop and Search Receipting.


StopWatchVic provided legal education to young community members within the trial zones of the Victoria Police receipting trials, to increase understanding of and engagement with the pilots, and to monitor and report upon the outcomes.

StopWatchVic would like to thank staff of the Flemington Kensington Community Legal Centre and Springvale Monash Legal Service and the Victoria Law Foundation for their support for this important project.

Handing out at Essendon2



Receipt image new

A copy of the receipts that was issued in Dandenong and Moonee Valley in 2015.   Receipts in Mildura were a green colour.

For multilingual information from Victoria Police about the Receipting Proof of Concept go here

For info about your rights when stopped by police or PSO’s see


Let us know what you think about these receipts

Receipt screenshot

If you get stopped by police in Dandenong,  Moonee Valley, Boroondara or Mildura

We asked people to Report their stop by:

Filling out this form, or
Taking a photo of the receipt with your phone and sending it to us on 0476 922 361 along with a few details of what happened, or
Sending us a private message on our Facebook page, or
Calling or emailing us at the numbers below.

Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre
Ph: 03 9376 4355

Moonee Valley Legal Service
Ph: 03 9376 7929

Springvale Monash Legal Service
Ph: 03 9545 7400

Murray Mallee Community Legal Service

Ph: (03) 5023 5966

Reporting a stop helps keep police accountable and helps us to see how effective the police receipting trial is, and whether people have found it positive or negative.



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A really practical guide to knowing your rights on the street:



    The information we collect as part of this project will be used to see how effective the police receipting project is, and whether people have found it positive or negative.

    If there is a legal problem we can help you with, we will refer you to a legal service where you can get advice about your situation.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    What are you reporting? (Choose one)

    Where did the stop happen?

    A brief description of the incident

    Does getting a receipt help you feel safer?

    Why / Why not?

    Upload a photo of your receipt(s)

    Can we contact you for more information?We'll maintain confidentiality and will not share your story with others without your permission.

    Your best phone contact:

    Train stations where PSOs handed out receipts

    Moonee Valley

    Ascot Vale,




    Moonee Ponds,



    Sandown Park,

    Noble Park,



    About StopWatchVic

    StopWatchVic provided legal education to young community members within the trial zones of the Victoria Police receipting Proof of Concept trials, to increase understanding of and engagement with the pilots, and to monitor and report upon the outcomes.  The project is now completed.

    StopWatchVic was a joint project of the Flemington Kensington Community Legal Centre and Springvale Monash Legal Service and supported by a grant from the Victoria Law Foundation.

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    250px-Australian_Aboriginal_Flag.svg StopWatchVic acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal owners of country throughout Victoria and pays respect to Country, culture and Elders past, present and future.